Baykeepers Film Screening and Beach Patrol

Baykeepers film Screening

Click to view Baykeepers Film Flyer

Baykeepers Film at Frankston High School

Invitation to Baykeepers Film Screening

I would like to let you all know about a special short film being screened on Tuesday 17th March.

This stunning short film shows the impacts of plastic pollution on the marine environment in our bay, highlighting positive actions to address it.

It focusses on things that people can do in their everyday lives to lessen this worldwide problem. The story is told on a local level about our own marine backyard. It also is a call to action for people to help clean up the beaches in a proactive way.

There will be time for Q & A afterwards with an expert guest speaker from the Port Phillip Eco Centre, who collaborated on the creation of this film.

  • Where: Frankston High School Hall, Towerhill Road, Frankston
  • When: Tuesday 17 March 2015
  • Time: Doors open from 5.30pm for nibbles with a 6.00pm start

(run time 26 minutes)

Although it is FREE, we ask that people register their attendance at:

There will be light refreshments afterwards.

Please also feel free to forward the flyer to people in your networks, families, friends, schools, scout groups etc.

You can find out more about Baykeepers at:

Paul Davies
Kananook Creek Association
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