Saturday 15th MAY
Community Event hosted by Frankston Council at Seaford
Have your say – the Kananook Creek Association needs your help.
Frankston City Council will be holding a community event on Saturday. We hope that you can set aside an hour or so to attend.
Saturday 15 May – 10.30am to 12 noon
Broughton Reserve (adjacent to the Seaford Community Centre)
This is the launch of a period of Community Consultation on the Draft Concept Plan for the Indigenous Botanic Garden at Seaford.
Use the link below to view the Draft Concept Plan on FCC website:…Have_Your_Say ..Kananook_Creek_Gardens_Vision_Plan
Share your vision for the Kananook Creek Gardens over coffee, lemon myrtle tea and scones.
Please show your support for the Kananook Creek Botanic Garden first envisioned by the KCA almost thirty years ago.
The Kananook Creek Indigenous Botanic Garden, or outdoor environment centre would:
× Provide a lasting and wonderful tribute to the extraordinary contribution of Allan and Yvonne Sisson
× Showcase the indigenous flora of the KCA reserves.
× Provide a place of learning and inspiration
You can read about the extraordinary contribution of Allan and Yvonne Sisson and the amazing community effort that was inspired by them here:
After almost three decades of vision, planning, lobbying and promises from Council, the KCA do not wish to settle for less than those original dreams. We hope that you will support us.
Below, an extract from the Arboretum pages of the Kananook Creek Reserves Landscape Master Plan, July 1997 adopted by council at its meeting of 8th December 1997.
“An ‘arboretum’ serves the same functions as a botanic garden but the plant collections are normally restricted to trees and other woody species.
At a meeting of the KCAC on 4th March 1996 a preliminary vision was composed of the following points:
– to display indigenous flora of the creek area (as opposed to Frankston in general)
– to display plants as communities eg. woodland, grassland, heathland, aquatic plants
– to facilitate environmental education for school groups
– to incorporate Koori use of plants
– trail oriented, (including board walk)
– possibly fenced
– interpretation required
– educational ‘centre’
– no role for propagation on site
The vision displays something more than an ‘arboretum’ with its inclusion of monocotyledons, and a more suitable name may be found in the future. With emphasis on education and conservation it achieves two of the four main criteria for an (indigenous) botanic garden – the other two being (passive) recreation and scientific research. An opportunity for the ‘arboretum’ to become an annexe of the Frankston Botanic Gardens could be considered at a later date.”