Trees for Habitat
Trees for Habitat – Sunday 21 August from 10am, Lloyd Park (Langwarrin Hall), Cranbourne – Frankston Road.
Learn about tree hollows, how to detect the presence of wildlife on your property and how you can help preserve natural habitat. The session will include an educational stroll through Lloyd Park, so dress for the weather with strong shoes, coat, hat etc.
Free event however bookings are essential.
FCC Environment Events and Workshops
Defenders of the South East Green Wedge AGM
Defenders of the South East Green Wedge AGM – Wednesday 24 August at 7:30pm at Dingley Village Neighbourhood Centre, Cottage Room, 31B Marcus Road, Dingley Village. The guest speakers are:
- Kate Jewell Frankston Council’s Coordinator Strategic and Environmental Planning
- Alan Thatcher, retired planner, former member of Planning Panels Vic and the Defenders’ expert adviser
Frankston Beach Association AGM – Sunday 28 August
Frankston Beach Association AGM – Sunday 28 August at 11am at the Frankston Life Saving Club.
Guest speaker is Dr Kathleen McInnes, Research Group Leader of the CSIRO’s Sea Level, Waves And Coastal Extremes Ocean and Climate Dynamics Program and will be addressing the meeting on Sea Level Rise and Coastal Impacts.
The FBA Winter Newsletter includes further details.