LXRA Vegetation Removal Seaford Meeting Monday 24th

You may be aware that the crossing removal works at Seaford have led to the destruction of many significant mature trees. This has caused concern in the community.

Council has written this week to LXRA seeking  assurance that further vegetation removal works will be paused pending a more thorough consultation with Council and the community. 

You can read the complete statement by Mayor Sandra Mayer on the FCC website

Cr Glenn is now asking for your support with your attendance this coming Monday as follows :

“I am making a proclamation at Seaford near the Scout hall next to Seaford station at 1 PM on Monday 24th Feb. 2020. This will be about the destruction of trees by the rail authority ( LXRA). Would you be able to be present  and also spread the word to all environment groups and community members that value our history, coast and vegetation?”

Thank you for your support.


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