Community Planting Morning Thursday September 8th

Community Planting Morning

Thursday September 8th


The Arboretum (Kananook Creek Indigenous Botanic Garden) is taking shape in Seaford.  The map shows the extent of the planned garden between the Station and Seaford Road.  The KCA is involved with this major project and your help is needed at this important stage.  Plants you put in the ground will be growing while the construction of the project proceeds.

Join KCA volunteers, Seaford community and Frankston council to participate in the FIRST planting of plants that have been developed at the Frankston Council’s Indigenous nursery specifically for this site.

Alex Milicic, Section Leader Natural Resources, is in chargeMeet Alex, her team and fellow volunteers in the carpark on the creek side of the station before 9am on Thursday. BYO gloves.  Trowels and planters will be supplied as required.  Come and be part of this important stage of a long-term project in our community.

Please RSVP by SMS to Alex 0487 546 788 so that numbers can be anticipated, but late arrivals will not be turned away.







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