DATE: Sunday 16 June (every third Sunday from now)
TIME: 9am to 11am followed by morning tea.
MEET: Corner of Boonong and Benton Avenues at the pumping station.
BRING: Gloves, suitable footwear and clothes, family and friends. Tools provided.
After the wonderful success of last month’s working bee in Seaford, local KCA member Nigel is having regular Working Bees along the Seaford section of Kananook Creek.
This second working bee is proposed for the central area of the reserve between the pumping station and Mile Bridge. It is a family and neighbourhood friendly event to remove invasive weeds and replace with native plants, and clean up any rubbish that does not belong in this beautiful environment.
Bring the young ones where they will be given the opportunity to plant a tree and learn about looking after this natural and beautiful environment.
This will again be an enjoyable and wonderful day for all who come along – weather permitting of course.