Vale Allan Sisson

Allan Sisson

Allan Sisson

Allan Sisson

KCA members and friends will be saddened to learn that Allan Sisson passed away peacefully on Monday July 23rd, aged 89 years. Allan was an active and dearly loved member of the KCA community for more than twenty years.

In 1988, wildfire swept through the northern section of the Kananook reserves. This devastation made restoration of the northern section an urgent priority. Working bees were suggested. Plans were required.

Allan Sisson stepped into action. Under his leadership and organization, KCA volunteers commenced work.

Plans and processes for rehabilitation and re-vegetation were formulated. An access trail was formed from the Riviera outfall south to Station St. In 1991, the Allawah Ave to Fiocchi section was constructed. The 500 metre “missing link” from Fiocchi Ave to Beach St was launched in 2002, thus creating a network of accessible walking trails that traverse the nature reserves– a precious community asset.

Under Allan’s guidance, the KCA planted 90,000 native plants and pulled out more than one million weeds. Allan’s processes for collecting seeds and propagating native plants are now used by the Frankston Indigenous Nursery. Trail maintenance, seed collection, plant propagation, weeding and planting continue to this day.

This amazing community effort was led by Allan Sisson. A retired Telco engineer, Allan basically started a new career after his ‘real career’ was over.

Allan and Yvonne Sisson were awarded ‘Legends of Kananook Creek’ in 2007. In 2010, Allan was presented with the ‘Environmental Pioneers Award’ by Frankston Council.

Allan will always be remembered with great fondness and respect. Allan’s legacy is both inspirational and enduring.


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