Summary of Planning Scheme Information Session held at Hastings Community Hub June 22nd
The meeting was hosted by Peninsula Speaks with visiting speaker, Prof Michael Buxton from RMIT Planning.
More than 350 people filled to overflowing the Hastings Community Hub to hear Prof Michael Buxton from RMIT Planning speak on changes to planning schemes introduced by Planning Minister Richard Wynne in March this year.
There are some rather radical changes to planning laws proposed and it’s appropriate that you be aware of them.
Amendments VC110 & VC136 have been gazetted right across the residential zones.
Professor Buxton warned the changes would benefit the development industry at the expense of residents.
Mornington State MP David Morris said in Parliament (8 June)that the changes meant “buildings of up to 11 metres and potentially three storeys can now be constructed without a permit… this would destroy forever the intrinsic coastal character of our towns and villages”.
It is not just the Mornington Peninsula that will be changed forever.
The changes to the zones, along with VicSmart fast-tracking permit approvals, are a serious threat to neighbourhood character throughout all residential zones.
An online petition to the Victorian Parliament against the changes, aiming to get 50,000 signatures, is now planned.
The YouTube video below captures Michael Buxton addressing an earlier rally. He discusses some of the many concerns with the planning changes.