The KCA Annual General meeting will be held on Wednesday 5th April
Time: 8.00 pm
Locaton: Seaford Senior Citizens Centre)
Notice for this AGM:
***Please click link to view AGM notice (word.doc) AGM_2017_KCA_MemberNotice***
Please take time to read it; there are two sides. You’ll see in the agenda notice of a Special Resolution. This needs to be put to a vote at the AGM. On the second page is a membership renewal form and a committee nomination form. Some of you have renewed your memberships for 2017 and we’re keen to keep our numbers up for 2017. The committee would be delighted to see a few more willing hands involved in the committee. The more participants we have the less work for all involved on the committee. Some skill and/or interest in areas such as committee secretary, planning, flora and fauna and use of social media would be truly helpful, even if only on an ad hoc basis.
Your committee looks forward to seeing you at the AGM.
Many thanks in anticipation.
Paul Davies