National Tree Planting Day – Sunday July 26, 11am

National Tree Day

Tree Planting Day - click to view details

Sunday 26th July is National Tree Planting Day. This year the site chosen in the Frankston area is next to Kananook Creek in Seaford just near the Seaford Oval. This is the site of an old caravan park which Council and the KCA have rejuvenated over the last few years. The site has been cleared and mulched.
On National Tree Planting Day, Council will be supplying some 1300 trees (small) for planting so we’d love to see a big turnout of members to help celebrate this big day. As you can see from the accompanying flyer we’ll be having a free BBQ to feed those who attend.
Full directions and details of what to bring are on the flyer. I look forward to seeing you on Sunday 26th July.

Paul Davies

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