Autumn Newsletter, KCA AGM, 2015 Membership


KCA News

Autumn News, click to open KCA News .pdf

Dear Resident,

Kananook Creek Association is holding its 2015 Annual General Meeting on Wednesday 1 April at 8.00pm at the senior Citizens’ Rooms (“Talbot Hall”), Broughton Street, Seaford.

Even though you may not be a Member of the Association (although you could always join at the door: membership fee is $15.00 per family/household) you will be most welcome to come along.

If you live alongside or close to the Creek, this meeting gives you the perfect opportunity to find out what the Association has been doing over the past twelve months and what plans it has for the year ahead, including ongoing work in the Reserves, our advocacy against unsustainable development, our relationships with outside organizations; and for socialising afterwards..

We are also keen for neighbours of the Creek (that means you!) to either join or re-join the Association; a healthy membership group enables us to lobby the politicians and bureaucrats (at all levels of government) from a position of strength and this has never been more important than now, with the increasing burden of Regulations and property development pressures being thrust upon us. So, if you can’t come to the meeting you might like to use the form included to send us your details and membership subscription for 2015.

Otherwise I look forward to seeing you at our meeting on Wednesday 1st April 2015.

Paul Davies – President 14 March 2015

News and membership details may be viewed by opening the .pdf file above, or a text only version and Word document formats are posted on the News Page

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